“As a 21 year-old living in New York, Karim was targeted and arrested in 2006 by a federal task force created to investigate hip-hop acts as part of the ‘War on Drugs.’ Following a mistrial, Karim sentenced to prison for charges related to possession of a gun and drug trafficking. Karim appealed his sentence and after the judicial system found a lack of evidence to support his conviction he was re-sentenced to time served. After completing his prison sentence of 10 years, instead of being able to come home to his family, Karim was transferred from federal prison to ICE detention. Karim has now been in ICE detention for over 4 years and faces deportation to Jamaica, a country he has not known or seen since he was 9 years old. He is now detained at the Etowah County Detention Center in Gadsden, Alabama, known to many as one of the worst migrant prisons in the country.

Karim is an uncle to five nieces and nephews, a brother to four siblings, and family member of 21 people who love and care for him deeply, and have been fighting for him to come home for over 14 years. Karim’s good character has long been recognized by the Courts as well, which led to him receiving time-served. However, instead of being able to come home to his family and community, Karim was transferred to ICE detention where has been for over 4 years.

While in Etowah County Jail, (one of the worst in the country-need link) Karim tested positive for COVID-19 twice, and was sent to solitary confinement for almost 2 months for his activism in calling on the detention center to supply COVID-19 tests and PPE.

According to a study done by NYU Law’s Immigrant Rights Clinic and BAJI Black Alliance for Just Immigration, ‘The government’s increasing focus on immigrants with criminal records disproportionately impacts Black immigrants, who are more likely to be identified through interactions with local law enforcement, because of rampant racial profiling.’

Karim has gone from extremely healthy to suffering from liver disease, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure. Despite his rehabilitation and court orders to release detainees at high risk, ICE refuses to release him. We urge you to join us in our fight to return Karim to his loved ones and his community and free him from ICE detention.” #FreeKarim

Source and where to sign the petition: https://bit.ly/3maLZ2i